Kristofer and Reflections on Re-Creation (Part III)


Reflections on Re-Creation (Part III)

The summertime for many people is an opportunity to take some time to get away, to slow down, to rest, and to re-create. Over these four weeks, Kristofer has been sharing reflections on this theme through storytelling and poetry that invites us all to discover what and where the “thin places” are in our lives. While these sacred spaces are different for each one of us, all of them have the power and potential to be restorative, healing, and transformative for us because God meets us there. What are those places for you? And when do you plan to go there next? What is the healing and restoration, and transformation you seek? 

We hope you will watch and listen today, as Kristofer speaks about these themes in his own life and invites us to consider God’s work of re-creation in ours. 

For information about the poet, John O’Donohue, that Kristofer read from, see:


Amy and ‘What draws you to God?’


Seventh Sunday after Pentecost