Loree and Psalm 103


Psalm 103

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!

Psalm 103 is a beautiful, and comforting psalm, filled with praise to God, for all that God has done for us. We hear it during our church year on Ash Wednesday, because in this psalm, God also remembers that we are dust. I find that very comforting. God remembers that we were formed from the earth, remembers that we are human, and therefore never perfect. While we strive for perfection in our lives, God smiles, and remembers - we are only dust. And God cherishes this dust that you are, and that I am. God remembers we're dust, throws our sins as far away as possible, and remains with us, bringing comfort and God's everlasting love.

Psalm 103 is a wonderful psalm to sit with in prayer. It reminds of God's love for us, and it also reminds us how great God is, and how great God's blessings are in our lives. It is good to remember those blessings, when life is as difficult as it is right now. It's good to focus our attention on what is good, and thank God for his many, many blessings.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.


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Eighth Sunday after Pentecost