Amy and From Charity to Solidarity


From Charity to Solidarity

Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me. (Matthew 25:40 MSG)

As Christians we are each called as individuals to live out the mission of God in our individual mission fields - at home, at work, in our community. As St. Francis Episcopal Parish and Epiphany Community Center, we are called corporately - as one body - to live out God's mission in the world. Living out God's mission always occurs in a context - with particular people in a particular time in a particular place. Given our founding in Baltimore County in 2020, in a time of cultural upheaval, in a time of divisiveness, in a time of global pandemic, might we as St. Francis be called to a mission of solidarity with all people? I invite your prayerful reflection on Matthew 25: 31-46. Try to hear these words as if you have never heard them before. What do you hear in this passage today?


Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost


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