Kristofer and the Profession of Vows


The Profession of Vows

We make promises in many aspects of our lives, as a way of living into the formal and informal commitments we make. Within the Christian context, these promises take form - for example - in the Baptismal Covenant, Marriage Vows, and promises we make in various commissioning for lay and clergy ministry. When we invite God into the promises we make, we can receive grace and guidance to live into these commitments, as we learn and grow together. 

In this video (and in the next three in the weeks to come), Kristofer will be reflecting on the promises he is preparing to make in early June as part of his formation in the Order of St. Francis. In this Profession of Vows, his two-year period of the novitiate will come to an end. You are invited to listen in, as Kristofer discusses the promises we make to God. Over the following three weeks, he will share more about his understanding of the Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience and how they take form in this uniquely Anglican/Episcopal way of being. 

See below for an excerpt on the Profession of Vows from the website of the Order of St. Francis:

The Order of Saint Francis 
Profession of Vows 

“By nature, we are an Order that is formed in the Anglican Tradition of thought and theology, yet we are steeped in the rich traditions of Catholic Franciscan life. Therefore, our Profession of Vows expresses the "Anglican way" in which we choose to live out our Franciscan ideals within a modern world while recognizing the guidance and wisdom set forth by our Beloved Francis in his Rule of Life of 1223.


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