Amy and Jesus Prays for You


Jesus Prays For You

Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one. (John 17:11)

The 17th Chapter of John consists entirely of Jesus praying. For 26 verses, Jesus prays fervently to God the Father as he prepares for the final events of his life, and says goodbye to his beloved community.

While we know that no one was present with a recording device to capture these words as Jesus prayed them 2,000 years ago, oral tradition passed on through Christian communities has recorded Jesus praying not only in gratitude for all God has given him as he faces into what he must endure, Jesus also prays for his disciples. Jesus prays for us. Jesus prays for you.

This is Jesus as intercessor, asking God to take care of, to protect, to guide, to lead, to shield, to love, all those whom Jesus loves, as Jesus prepares to return to God.

I invite you today to let these words sink into your life and spirit. Know that Jesus himself prays for you, and continues to pray for you, no matter what you are facing in your own life. Jesus lifts you up to God, Jesus lifts our community and all communities up to God, so that we and Jesus and God may be one.


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Compline Compilation