Ask a Friar

As you may know, Kristofer took vows recently and became a novice in the Episcopal/Anglican Order of St. Francis. While this has been a life-long longing of his, becoming a friar is a new step in his spiritual journey. In other words, Kristofer still has lots of questions. You might have some that you'd like to ask too. Today's video begins to answer three great questions that were sent in: what should we call you, what were the vows you took, and is this Order just for men. His reflections only scratch the surface, but we hope they will open up some wonderful conversations within our community. So, please feel free to Ask a Friar. Just know that after watching you may have even more questions. That's often how the spiritual life works. The questions themselves are usually far more important than the answers you receive.


Compline Compilation


Evening Prayer