Kristofer and “Set us free…”


“Set us free…”

In today’s video, Kristofer reflects on the life of Pachomius (c. 340) and the impact his ministry had on the church, the world, and specifically the formation of monasticism. Listen in on this conversation that Kristofer is having with himself (and anyone else who wants to participate) about what this Egyptian saint’s life has to do with ours. As we continue to be formed as a parish and community center, what are the lessons we can learn from spiritual giants like the desert fathers and mothers of the early church? As we pray together today, we may be surprised to discover the interconnectivity with our own lives nearly 1800 years later.

Set us free, O God, from all false desires, vain ambitions, and everything that would separate us from your love; that, like your servant Pachomius, we might give ourselves fully to a life of discipleship, seeking you alone and serving those whom you have given us to serve; through Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate. Amen.

For the assigned readings for this feast day, see:


Amy and “Peace I Leave With You”


Fifth Sunday of Easter