The Path Ahead and Behind Us with Kristofer


The Path Ahead and Behind Us

The scripture lessons assigned for today take us back, through the lens of John’s gospel account, to Jesus’ early experiences ministry, as he traveled through the region of Galilee that had been his home:

In today’s video, Kristofer gives us a real “run around” as he pauses for reflection on a rest from a long run that he was on recently. He invites us to consider the steps we take in our own learning and growth, as well as pay attention to the landmarks we pass along the way.

Kristofer also shares news that the doctoral studies in congregational development he has been working on for several years are about to come to an end. Like a runner on an adrenaline rush about to finish the last leg of a race, Kristofer speaks about the final preparations for the oral review and defense of his thesis (that took place on Friday). Having successfully finished, he is excited to continue to apply this learning and growth to our ministry together at St. Francis.

As we collectively consider the ministry landscape around us and plan our next steps in mission, how is God leading us along the path we travel? What will the course ahead look like for us as a Parish & Community Center?

As Christ focuses us in this Lenten season, the spiritual practices that are shaping us now will enable us to travel great distances with one another.


The Gospel and Will Smith with Amy


Fourth Sunday in Lent