Amy and Comfort, Comfort, O My People


Comfort, Comfort, O My People

You may not usually associate prophets with providing comfort. You may think more of prophets ranting and raving, perhaps uncontrollable and dangerous. After all, prophets do not fare well in scripture.

Our reading from last Sunday (Deuteronomy 18:15-20) tells a slightly different story of the prophet. According to this passage, God calls prophets, forms them and lifts them up from among God's people, in response to the people's request. It is the people who have asked God for prophets. God promises God will put God's own words in the mouths of the prophets. God's people can be assured of God's continuing love and care for them. Prophets, in reminding people of God's law of love, provide comfort, care, and compassion, even when the people don't want to hear it.

The text of the beautiful Advent hymn Comfort, Comfort O My People is from the prophet Isaiah. I don't know about you, but I find this hymn deeply comforting. If you don't know it, you can hear it here.


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