Another Important Advent Letter from Amy & Kristofer


NEWS FROM OUR CO-RECTORS — December 19, 2022


The Fourth Sunday of Advent 2022

Dear People of St. Francis:
I am about to do a new thing. Now it springs forth - do you not perceive it? (Is
43:19) Our God is always making things new, bringing new life, stirring up new
energy and power among us and in us so that God’s people are equipped anew to
proclaim and practice the Gospel in every time and in every place. 

On behalf of the Vestry and Officers of St. Francis, we are delighted to announce
an exciting leadership transition. Beginning January 1, 2023, Kristofer will step
out of the role of Co-Rector
and move into the newly created role at St. Francis of
Mission Developer.

In accordance with the Co-Rector model that the Vestry adopted in July 2021,
Amy will become sole Rector of St. Francis Episcopal Parish and Community
Center as of January 1, 2023. 

The role of Mission Developer is rooted at St. Francis Episcopal Parish and
Community Center. St. Francis sends Kristofer forth into the mission field of the
eviction crisis, lack of affordable housing, and the upcoming surplus of underused
church-owned properties in Central Maryland. Kristofer’s work will build
partnerships with non-profit real estate developers, diocesan leadership and
churches looking to use their buildings and other resources in creative, non-
traditional ways to love their neighbor and further the mission of God now. 

As Mission Developer, Kristofer will report directly to the Vestry and will
support lay and clergy leadership at St. Francis in ongoing growth and vitality,
and in discerning and living out its role as both parish and community center. 

This temporary, half-time position of Mission Developer is made possible by
matching funds
the Vestry earmarked from St. Francis Mission Fund with funds
from the Diocese of Maryland given directly to St. Francis to support Kristofer’s
half-time position as Canon for Congregational Vitality. 

We are so grateful for the prayerful commitment and work of the Vestry and
Officers of St. Francis who have co-created with God this vision for leadership at
St. Francis Episcopal Parish and Community Center. We are deeply grateful for the
staff at St. Francis who live out daily among us the mission of doing justice, loving
mercy and walking humbly with God for the benefit and encouragement of all who
are connected to St. Francis: Molly Phelps, the Rev. Sara Yoe, Bonnie Johnson-
Williams, and Will Zellhofer.

And we are grateful for each of you whose vision of a faith community grounded
in following Jesus in the way of Sts. Francis and Clare - a way of justice, joy,
peace, humility, simplicity, generosity, care for one another and for creation -
inspires us to become ever more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

In the name of the One who is, and was, and is to come,

Amy              Kristofer


Christmas Celebration 2022


An Important Advent Letter from Amy