Celebrating Earth Day Every Day 2023 VIDEO


Here at St. Francis, Creation Care is a core value of ours, because God made this beautiful earth and all that is in it for us to live in harmony with. From our Rain Gardens (made possible thanks to collaboration with Gunpowder Valley Conservancy) to our Community Garden (which people of all ages tend and plant food in), there's lots of ways for you to dig in and connect with God and God's creation here. 

Food from the Community Garden is shared and shows up at our Welcome Table Wednesday meals, which are free dinners for all members of the community, each Wednesday during the school year at 6 p.m. Last week we even had a Planting Day, which was organized by high school senior Grace O. who is serving as Environmental Steward Intern at St. Francis right now. All of what we planted is native to this area, and was planted in areas cleared and prepared by Jacob T., who did work on our campus last year as part of becoming an Eagle Scout. Oh! And let's not forget our two beehives that we've had for a few years now! Honey will start to be produced in the next year or so which fills us with sweet excitement. We hope to see you at an event on campus soon, and in the meantime, Happy Earth Day!!

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Staff Transition Announcement


Food & Faith Speaker Series with Derrick Weston