Amy and Coming to the Rail


Coming to the Rail

Jesus directed the people the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. (Matthew 14:19)

Last night St. Francis Episcopal Parish-Epiphany Community Center held our first Pantry on the Go in 2021.

All the people who came to Pantry on the Go were coming to be fed.

Just like I come to be fed, and you come to be fed. Just like the people came out to see Jesus in this passage from the Gospel of Matthew. All of us – all people -  want, yearn, need, long to be fed.

Some people came last night, and while they didn’t sit on the grass as they did in Jesus’ time, they showed up, stayed in their cars and came to the rail to be fed.

Some people came, and while they didn’t take fish and bread from Jesus to share, they stood at the rail and shared boxes of fresh vegetables, or milk and eggs or canned beans and rice or pasta, placing them in the trunks of cars instead of in outstretched hands.  

Everyone who came out yesterday came to be fed.

Everybody who came out yesterday came to church.

I ask God every day to give me the eyes to see church all around me. How about you?

Where will you be fed today? Who will you feed today?


Joan and Martin Luther King Jr.

