Kristofer and Blessed with Discomfort


May God Bless Us With Discomfort

Kristofer’s reflections for the SSS this morning have a dual but overlapping focus in briefly discussing his process for formation as a Franciscan friar in the Anglican tradition AND addressing the events that took place on Monday night outside an Episcopal Church in our neighboring diocese. Before you read them, know that in this troubling time, the reflection he offers will likely fall short of whatever you hope it will be. His words will go too far for some and will not go far enough for others. This is a difficult time that is plagued by all manner of dis-ease. COVID 19 is only the most recent form that highlights the sinful divisions that separate us and keep us from deeper connection as part of the Body of Christ. And yet, God is with us, the Spirit is moving, and Jesus is calling us to communion with one another in a way that we can scarcely imagine. Look beyond a picture of the bible to the “true and lively” Word of God, the story of God’s redeeming love extended in such a way that we will all - every last one of us - be set free.


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Evening Prayer


Loree and What’s in a Name?