Kristofer and Seeds of Resurrection


In John's gospel account, the grief stricken Mary mistook the risen Savior for the gardener who cared for the grounds around the tomb.

But Christ is risen. He is risen indeed.

There are many among us in the STEEP community that are gardeners. Perhaps you are one of them. But whether you literally plant seeds (and tend them as they grow) or not, we are all invited to cultivate the new life made miraculously possible within ourselves and within our congregation as the seeds of resurrection germinate within us. What does that look like in your life?

Hear from Kristofer as he shares this Easter reflection, see the beginnings of the resurrection garden they have planted at home, and log-in or call-in to the coffee hour to talk about what these first days of Easter have been like for you.

Virtual Coffee Hour: Thursday, April 16⋅9:15 – 10:00am

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Amy and “Normalcy”


Loree and Ignation Prayer - Easter Season