Kristofer and Sing to the Lord a New Song


Sing to the Lord a new song

As this week unfolds, and our SSS offerings focus on the place of music in our lives, Kristofer shares a video reflection on what it means to sing to the Lord a new song. What brings you comfort? What brings you joy? What enlivens and engages you for ministry in the world? What new song are you being called to sing? What new song are we being called to sing together? While the reflection does now seek to answer these questions, we hope that it will give you something to pray, think, and even sing about.


Please join us for a virtual coffee hour from 9:15-10am on Google Meet:

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Phone Numbers
(‪US‬)‪+1 530-593-0108‬
PIN: ‪381 629 958#‬


Evening Prayer


Amy and Tune My Heart