Loree and Deuteronomy 4


Deuteronomy 4

Deuteronomy is the last chapter of the Penteteuch, the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, originally attributed to Moses. Judaism calls these books Torah - the Law. And from the middle of Exodus through Deuteronomy, these books are mostly about what is called the Law of Moses, Torah. The Law. The Law begins with the 10 commandments, but then there are many many laws that were added to them over the years by different writers. Many of these are in Leviticus. Be happy you don't have to read Leviticus. Although, if you have trouble sleeping, it might help you.

Deuteronomy is the final book. It is Moses' farewell speech to his people. Aaron had died some time before. Moses had walked with the people for 40 years. 40 years, in Bible Speak, means "a really long time," not necessarily 40 years exactly. But in Leviticus, Moses is saying goodbye to the second generation of people - the children of those he had led out of Egypt. Most of the rest had died. And Moses was about to die. Because he didn't obey God, the story says, he was not permitted to see the promised land.

In Deuteronomy 4, Moses is telling the people, not only to follow the law, beginning with the 10 Commandments, but also to pass it on to their children, and grandchildren. He wanted to make sure the heritage, the stories, the faith, the experiences with God that this people had had, would end up in the history books, as part of the lore of the People of God.

I hope you find this SSS helpful, and don't forget to read Deuteronomy 4 today.


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Amy and Where is Your Egypt?