Loree and Holy Reading Pt. 2


Holy Reading Continued

Today we are continuing our discussion on Holy Reading. I have loved seeing the books you have sent in that have made a difference in your life. On Monday a few of us gathered for virtual coffee hour, and we had a great discussion about books. I hope you can join us today.

I want to tell you about three books that have had an impact on my life:

  1. The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale.
    I first learned about Dr. Peale from my grandmother, who always had one of his books or magazines on her desk. I never read his books until adulthood, when the pressures of life brought me into a time of depression. I found reading the Power of Positive Thinking to be very helpful (along with medication – better living through chemistry!) Dr. Peale’s approach is very simple, but this classic has helped me over and over again when I have difficulty finding the positive in things, and now I remember much of his teaching, and try to find the positive side – looking for the glass half full, rather than half empty.

  2. Inner Compass, by Margaret Silf
    Inner Compass is a wonderful book that introduces the reader to Ignatian Spirituality. It is this book that led me to the desire to complete the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Ms. Silf writes in a very approachable style, and gives good insight into creative prayer and the other aspects of Ignatian spirituality. I highly recommend this book if you are interested in spiritual practices in general, and Ignatian, in particular.

  3. Till We Have Faces, by CS Lewis This is one of Lewis’ novels, and an amazing read. In my mind, this is his best book. Lewis took the Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche to teach about God’s love, of human power, and of the inner place of love and acceptance in our own heart. It is a great read, and I found it profoundly meaningful. Going off of Paul’s words in I Corinthians 13:12, “Now we see through a glass darkly, but then we will see face to face,” Lewis shows the changes, both outward and inward of a woman who knows she is loved by God. It’s a wonderful story with a great lesson.

I hope you enjoy these selections, and please keep your suggestions coming. I will be completing a page for Christian Formation for our website, and everyone’s book suggestions will be on it.


Please join us for a virtual coffee hour from 9:15-10am on Google Meet:


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