Loree and the Labyrinth


Today’s spiritual practice is walking the labyrinth. We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful labyrinth at STEEP. While there are many ways to walk the labyrinth, I want to share with you the Three Fold Path, which has been very meaningful to me.

The Three Fold Path consists of three steps, Purgation (emptying), Illumination (receiving) and Union (integrating). We begin by walking into the labyrinth, in purgation, emptying ourselves of whatever we have brought with us – anxiety, concern, worry, sin. We do this step with palms down, as if we are pushing away these things, in order to make room for God. We continue this as we walk the labyrinth, until we enter into the center. When we come into the center, we turn our palms up for illumination – receiving what God has for us. We stand quietly, still, listening in our spirit, expectant that God will meet us. When we feel that we have received what God desires for us – and this could be clear direction for next steps, or simply a sense of peace, we begin to walk out of the labyrinth, in the third step, Union. During this phase of union, we continue to hold our hands palms up as we continue to receive, integrating and becoming grounded in the insight we have received from the center of the labyrinth. During this time we remain prayerful, and give thanks to God for what God has given us.

We exit the labyrinth, having spent time with God, and feeling more whole.


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Second Sunday of Easter Service


Compline Compilation