Amy and Making Room


Making Room

What are you holding onto that’s not serving you?

What are you holding onto that may be holding you back from where God is leading you in your life?

It’s really hard to let go, really hard, especially of someone or some place or some thing that has been so precious to us. Especially if letting go means that one chapter of our life is ending, while the new one has not yet fully manifested itself.

If you are anything like me, it can be easy to get stuck there, stuck holding onto what was, clutching it ever tighter, even when I know that I need open hands to receive the new gift God is giving me.

When I get stuck in that place, I turn to the Benedictine motto: Ora et Labora – Pray and Work.  In the Benedictine tradition, prayer and labor - contemplation and action – go hand and hand. As followers of Jesus we rest and pray and we work for justice and do acts of mercy. And there are times in the day, times in the week, times in our lives when we practice one more than the other.

Sometimes manual labor frees the soul to do the spiritual work it needs to, and vice versa.

On Saturday a group of volunteers from St. Francis gathered together to pray and work with the intention of clearing out the space below the sanctuary, organizing furniture and miscellaneous items from both former congregations, keeping what’s needed for our new life together and discarding the rest. It was an immense labor of love, as you can see from the video.

The room is now prepared for something new, for the gifts that God is giving St. Francis Episcopal Parish, to love and serve all those in our community.  Renovations to the space will begin soon, renovations that will meet the needs of St. Francis and the Epiphany Community Center now.

St. Francis Episcopal Parish is called by God in this time and in this place to be a blessing to the world. May we be ready to receive the gifts that God is giving our community with open hands. Amen.


Please join us for a virtual coffee hour from 9:15-10am on Google Meet:

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+1 402-759-9284
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Evening Prayer


Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost