Kristofer and Growing from Seed


Growing from Seed

As we ponder what it means to do mission in these challenging times we are in, martyred Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador reminds us that there is no resurrection without death. As we seek to be led by God as a congregation and community into and through transformation, Romero encourages us to remember that we do “not measure the church by its members or by its material buildings”; But instead we unearth it “where we still have our feet planted, where we are to embody the transcendental message insofar as we work for the liberation of our people, for the Christian redemption of the world” (Marie Dennis in Oscar Romero, 23). For the people of St. Francis Episcopal Parish & Community Center that means dying to what we once thought church was. When we are released from the hard outer shell of the seed’s husk that once contained us, we can rise again in new form in the springing forth of perennial growth that’s soil is fertilized by the decay of what was before. As we grow from the seeds that God has planted, what form of growth will St. Francis take? What fruits will we bear? Today’s SSS video reflection with Kristofer invites us to contemplate these questions and more.


Is it Just and Merciful? with Amy


Third Sunday after Pentecost