Amy and Transitions



So then, if anyone is in Christ, that person is part of the new creation. The old things have gone away, and look, new things have arrived! (2 Cor 5:17 CEB) 

Last weekend I participated in a Zoom retreat at Holy Cross Monastery called Practicing Trust in Times of Transition. 

During the retreat, I was introduced to the following quotation from contemporary theologian, prophet and Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann: 

"The world for which you have been so carefully prepared is being taken away from you by the grace of God. "

This sentence struck a chord in me. It named for me something that had been before unnamable about my own experience of transitions. Transitions involve both loss and joy, grief and celebration, sorrow and delight, and God's hand is in it all.

Thinking about Paul's words from Second Corinthians today, isn't creation itself in constant transition? 

And, as part of God's creation, aren't our lives in some profound way always in transition? Isn't life itself transition? Something old is always falling away, something new is always emerging. 

Birth, death, moving, marriage, divorce, starting school or a new job, ending school, illness, recovery, retirement...what transitions are you experiencing? How are you experiencing them?

To learn more about Holy Cross Monastery, click here

To read and learn from Walter Bruggemann click here


Kristofer and “Be Glad and Rejoice Forever in What I am Creating”


Fifth Sunday of Easter