"Pulling the Wool Over God’s Eyes" with the Rev. Dr. Amy Slaughter Myers


St. Francis Spiritual Sustenance : September 14, 2022 ========================================

Hear this, who trample the needy (Amos 8: 4).

Sunday's readings are all about economic justice, all about how the people of God use money, assets, business acumen, resources. Does my use of money, does your use of money harmonize with God's values of justice, mercy and humility?

Or are you, am I, trying to pull fast one on God, promising on Sundays and in worship and in prayer our commitment to justice, mercy, humility, and yet simply waiting for Monday morning to violate those values in the choices we make with our money and resources? Are you, am I, are our communities trying to buy our way out of unjust, unmerciful, prideful economic practices by tithing or giving a portion of our funds to charitable causes?

Ouch. I don't know about you, but when I hear the prophet's words, I know I need to heed them in deeper ways. As Jesus asks in the Gospel of Matthew, What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? (Mt 16:26)

The reading from the Hebrew Bible for this upcoming Sunday is from the prophet Amos (8:4-7) and the Gospel appointed for the day is Luke 16: 1-13.

You can read and pray with them here or read them in the bulletin that is emailed in Thursday's St. Francis Chronicle.


Solidarity Economy with Molly Phelps


“You are a Mist” with the Rev. Dr. Kristofer Lindh-Payne