Amy and “The Threefold Cord”


"The Threefold Cord'

What does the Lord require of you but to pursue justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)

“In Desmond Mpilo Tutu this threefold cord was interwoven in a long, lived authenticity." -These are the words of Bishop Michael Nuttall in the funeral eulogy for Archbishop Desmond Tutu who died December 26, 2021. Bishop Nutall chose this Micah verse to characterize the life and witness of Archbishop Desmond Tutu for the church and for the world. (You can read the eulogy here and watch and listen to it here)

"The threefold cord" of justice, mercy and humility has special resonance for us at St. Francis. Doing Justice, Loving Mercy, Walking Humbly with God is our mission as parish and community center.

As we continue to live into what that mission looks like for us in our context, we look to the life and ministry of Jesus and to saints in the faith who have gone before us - like Desmond Tutu - to shine light on our own mission path.

I invite you today to reflect on doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God through the life and witness of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. What might you and I discover about God's call on us?


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