Amy and Worship Leadership


Worship Leadership

Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. (John 4:24 MSG)

Prepare yourself. Pay attention. Show humility. Be respectful. Be ready for any possibility. Be ready for God to lead you into uncharted territory.

These are spiritual disciplines that every assistant, altar server, acolyte, chalice bearer, verger, reader, lector, crucifer, musician, singer, prayer leader, usher, greeter, preacher, and priest sharpens in their unique role in worship leadership.

Worship in community is holy time.

Worship leaders work together as a team. Each role acts and leads in such a way that others can experience the holy. The focus is not so much on self as it is on serving God and others. Worship leaders are called to lead together so that others can practice loving and serving God and one another.

Might you be called to leadership in worship at St. Francis?

Whether you feel comfortable gathering in-person inside or outside, whether you have physical or health challenges that keep you safe at home and part of our virtual worshipping community, whether you are very young or very old or very in-between, whether you are available on Sunday mornings or some other time during the week, if you feel called to participate in worship leadership, there is a role for you.

Some of those leadership opportunities may be familiar. Music ministries, readers, and prayer leaders are visible every Sunday. The Altar Guild prepares the table for communion and the basket for the outside altar.

Some are unfamiliar and are being formed and shaped with God in community each week. Technical vergers run sound, monitor the bulletins projected on the screens, check and double check the livestream. Assistants set up the worshipping space outdoors, carrying the extension cords, troubleshooting sound and weather. You may see a need for a new leadership role in worship.

Curious to discover if God might be calling you to a leadership role in worship? For a selection of tools you can use on your own to get clearer in your call, visit


“The Lord Now Sends Us Forth” with Bonnie


The Cycle of Life with Kristofer and the Rev. Canon Mary Sulerud