“Of More Value Than Many Sparrows” with Kristofer


“Of More Value Than Many Sparrows”

In today’s video, Kristofer speaks about the recent Eagle Scout project that was nearly completed over the weekend at St. Francis. In talking about this beautiful project, he refers to one of the appointed scripture texts for the day, as he reflects on the place of humanity within the hierarchy of God’s creation. Though Kristofer does so in a gentle way, he challenges us to confront the ways in which we elevate ourselves over other creatures in ways that lead to destructive perceptions and behavior. He invites us to think and pray about our role as stewards of creation, and to let go of sinful ways of being that perpetuate the illusion of our separateness from God and one another.

It is Jesus that says to the fearful disciple, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. And even the hairs of your head are all counted. So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31) Taken out of context, we could use this text to justify our continued attempts at the subjugation of creation. But what if we decide to interpret this differently and in a way that frees us to live more fearlessly and open to the ever-deepening relationships we can share in as part of the interconnected web of existence?

The saint that is lifted today is Athanasius of Alexandria (Bishop and Theologian, 373). Follow this link, to see the appointed texts for the day: https://lectionarypage.net/LesserFF/May/Athanas.html


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Third Sunday of Easter