Loree and David and the Giant


David and the Giant

I love the stories of David, whom the Bible calls "a man after God's own heart." I love that God calls him this in spite of the fact that David was so human! David followed God, and was deeply devoted, but there were some times when he really messed up. Badly. He was far from perfect, just like you and me. And yet he was called "a man after God's own heart."

Today's story of David and Goliath is one of the shining moments in David's life - as a young man, he took on this Giant, Goliath, in front of all the Philistines and all the Israelites. He took him out with a slingshot, after declaring that he came against Goliath in the name of the Lord Almighty.

All of us come against giants in our lives - some of them are exterior, like COVID 19. Others come from within - the giants of fear, and grief, for example. What giants are you standing against today? Know that the Lord Almighty stands with you, and will give the you wisdom to overcome them.


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Evening Prayer


Amy and God and Lack