Carrie Reed

Carrie Reed
Administrative Organizer
(410) 252-4465 x1110

About Me:
I am a relatively new Episcopalian. My previous church home and place of employment was with a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Texas. Upon moving to Maryland from Texas, finding the Episcopal Church was an unexpected joy. I majored in English at the University of Texas at Austin. The English major in me loves the three-legged stool of Anglicanism and the feeling of acceptance that comes from bringing my whole self to church every Sunday, including my questions. I do love to analyze a text! I live in Baltimore City with my husband, young son, and cat. We love to go to the library on a Saturday, take a family hike, or explore some new facet of life in Baltimore.

My Role:
I am the Administrative Organizer at St. Francis. I like to think of myself as a depot within the parish office. I house information and tend to the fine details of St. Francis. I produce our weekly e-newsletter, publish content to social media, work closely with the Rector and the Executive Committee, assist parishioners with their projects, and handle all manner of challenges that have yet to come to fruition. I love work that keeps me on my toes, and I have found that at St. Francis.

My Dream for St. Francis:
I dream about fostering a culture that celebrates mistakes. Mistakes are gifts inviting us to ask questions, seek solutions, and find new ways to relate to and understand one another. Building community and creating a place of welcome is not without its challenges. As Robert Frost said, β€œthe best way out is always through.” When we encounter roadblocks on our path, my hope is that we can approach blocks with a spirit of calm, curiosity, and mutual trust.

A Few of my Favorite Things:
I love the work of Fred Rogers, vegan hazelnut chocolate confections, contemporary and classic fiction, coffee, and a good sitcom.

Fun fact:
I am a multi award winning vegan chili chef!


Molly Phelps, LCSW-C


Faith Townsend