Amy and a Love Letter to You


A Love Letter to You From God

Even the hairs of your head are all counted; so do not be afraid…(Matthew 10: 30-31)

What a powerful image of God’s love. Even each hair – each hair on your head! – is numbered among God’s most precious creations!

God sees you and loves you.

God sees you, everything that you are carrying, every worry, every hope, every joy.

God sees you and loves you – yes, you!

Sometimes it’s hard to know the reality of God’s love for ourselves. Shame. Anger. Utter exhaustion can all get in the way.

We need each other to remind us of God’s love for us.

Even the hairs of your head are all counted; so do not be afraid…(Matthew 10: 30-31)

We need each other to remind us of God’s love for us, of how precious each one of us is in the eyes of God.

The worship that we are called to do is offering ourselves – offering ourselves to God and to one another.

Trusting someone enough to share what we are going through and to ask for help.

Practicing kindness and patience as we social distance and wear masks in public places.

A phone call, a word of encouragement over email or text or in a letter.

Buying grocery store gift cards. Making masks. Tending the garden – ours or someone else’s.

These are all acts of worship because they are acts of love.

Each moment that we reach out to others, each moment that we share something of ourselves or ask someone else to share how we can support them – these are acts of worship.

These are acts of worship because they are acts of love.


Please join us for a virtual coffee hour from 9:15-10am on Google Meet:

Phone Numbers
(‪US‬) +1 941-219-5523‬
PIN: ‪845 154 851#‬


Kristofer and the True Vine


Kristofer and the Race