Kristofer and the Race


"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Tim 4:7)."

It is becoming increasingly clear that the present challenges we face with COVID 19 will have long-term future impact on us all. As we run "the race" ahead of us, there will be moments of exhaustion. How do we take care of ourselves in the midst of this "marathon"? How do we support each other along the course that lies before us? Kristofer's SSS offers some reflections about how we can "keep the faith" as this pandemic continues. What spiritual exercises are sustaining you at this time? Any new discipline you'd like to take on that we can support you with?


Virtual Coffee Hour (aka water break, post-race refreshments, etc)
Wednesday, April 22⋅9:15 – 10:00am

Join Hangouts Meet

Join by phone
+1 470-485-9364‬ PIN: ‪667 022 748‬#


Amy and a Love Letter to You


Loree and the Principle and Foundation