Amy and the Call and Gift


March 26, 2020 - STEEP Spiritual Sustenance with the Rev. Dr. Amy Slaughter Myers

Call and gift

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. Jeremiah 1:5

In God’s call to the young prophet Jeremiah, we are reminded that God chose each of us,
God made each of us,
God made each of us as individuals with unique gifts,
gifts that only we have,
gifts that are meant for us to share with the world for God’s glory.

If you have been nourished by sharing your gifts in community here at STEEP – as teachers, worship leaders, acolytes, chalice bearers, crucifers, Community Dinner Team members, altar guild, Homework Club tutors, Free Food Store stockers, LEVs and many, many, many more ways – it can be hard to imagine how to share these gifts now, when we aren’t gathering as community in the same way.

You may wonder, what use are my gifts now?
You may wonder, are the gifts that I uniquely have still needed, still valued?
You may wonder, do I have the gifts, am I equipped, for the call that God is issuing God’s church now?

As you wonder, I invite you to spend some time in prayer with God’s call to Jeremiah in Chapter 1 of the book of Jeremiah, verses 4 -8.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.

Your gifts matter.
You matter.

May you spend some time today remembering that you yourself are a gift. May you remember that you have been given unique gifts to share with the church and the world.

May you ask God in prayer to show you how you can continue to share those gifts now.

God’s peace be with you,


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