Kristofer and Finding God in the Interruptions


As we make our way through these present challenges, God is at work in our lives in all manner of things that we may or may not notice. So many of the plans we had for our lives, for our work, school, church or whatever else have been interrupted. There is pain, disorientation, frustration and grief in this AND we are adapting. We are growing and changing and doing the best that we can, as God guides us forward. 

Throughout Jesus’ ministry of teaching, healing, and feeding people, there are countless examples of him being interrupted by the pressing needs of the community around him. None is more prominent than the series of interruptions that occur in Matthew 9; Jesus is teaching the disciples, when he is interrupted. Then Jesus is comforting a grieving father, when he is  interrupted. Then he is healing a sick woman, and interrupted again. Then finally Jesus, himself, in the greatest example of them all, interrupts a funeral by raising a child from the dead. 

The God we seek to follow, the God that is guiding us forward through this challenging time, is the God of interruptions. How is God at work amidst the interruptions in your own life? Where do you find God showing up? Where do you hope to have God arrive on the scene?


Loree and St. Ignatius


Amy and the Call and Gift