Confirmation Class 2023-24
Calling all current 8th-11th graders and their parents/guardians! Next school year, Sara will be offering a confirmation class for high school students. Confirmation is a unique Rite, and the decision to be confirmed is no small thing (which is why we will have a year-long process to help you called Youth Confirmation Class).
Regardless of how you feel about it, Sara encourages you to mark your calendar for Sunday, March 26 at 7:00 PM for a Google Meet to discuss what confirmation is and to begin thinking about if you'll want to participate in Youth Confirmation Class next year. In this meeting, Sara will share their confirmation story and how, after that, they still managed to end up a priest - even if you don't have any interest in Confirmation, this is a story you won't want to miss!
RSVP to Sara by 6:59 PM on March 26 if you're going to come to this virtual meeting and they'll send you the Google Meet link.