Amy and the Sainthood of Pauli Murray


The Sainthood of Pauli Murray

A story that tells of the life, work, suffering, death and impact of a saint is called a hagiography.

You are invited to watch the recent documentary My Name is Pauli Murray now available on Amazon Prime. (If you need assistance in watching the documentary, please reach out to me.)

At St. Francis we will gather on the Sunday that we celebrate All Saints Day - November 7th - at noon to discuss this documentary and reflect on the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, a saint whose feast day in the Episcopal Church is celebrated on July 1.

As you watch the documentary, reflect on it as hagiography. Lives of saints are meant to be teachings about how we as Christians can model our lives on the life of Christ in reading (or watching) about a saint who modeled their life after Christ. Think about Pauli Murray's life in this way.

What do you learn about Pauli Murray's biography - her family, schools, the era in which she lived. How do those elements impact on their life?

What struggles does Pauli Murray face? What burdens, what suffering does Pauli Murray experience in their own life and in the lives of those around her?

How does Pauli Murray live out their faith - long before they become a priest at age 66?

Finally, think about Pauli Murray's death and the influence of their life and work on the Church.

I look forward to discussing this extraordinary Christian life with you on November 7.


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