Kristofer and the Continuing Appearances of the Risen Christ


The Continuing Appearances of the Risen Christ

Two days ago, Kristofer shared a reflection from the Gospel of John (21) on the risen Jesus appearing to the disciples from the sea shore. Today Kristofer offers words and song in follow-up to the unfolding drama that is our life as disciples in this Eastertide, as the risen One continues to make appearances. Just as Jesus guided the disciples to change their tact as they fished, so too must we heed his direction as we ourselves adapt to the challenges of ministry in this time. People of St. Thomas-Epiphany, when we worship, learn, pray, and serve together, we are fed by Jesus. When we feed others -- just as we plan to in the week ahead through Pantry-on-the-Go and with a new partner, Baltimore County Together, we also feed Christ. Where will the risen Christ show-up next?

Log-on or call in to chat over breakfast with Kristofer in the STEEP Virtual Coffee Hour at:

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(‪US‬)‪+1 304-790-6378‬
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Compline Compilation


Loree and the Examen