Loree and the Examen


The Examen (Examine of Conscience)

Today we are wrapping up this introduction to Ignatian Spirituality by talking about the Examen, a prayer at the heart of Ignatius' teaching.

The Examen, or Examine of Conscience, is a simple prayer that many people end their day with. It can be done at any time of day, and while evening seems to make the most sense, there are times when it is best to do it earlier. In the Examen, we look at the day that has just passed, and ask for help in the day to come. We begin by centering ourselves, taking a few deep breaths, and beginning a conversation with God as though God were sitting next to us.

First, we ask for God's help to look at our day with God's eyes, not just our own.

Second, we give thanks for the day we have had, perhaps mentioning specific things that were meaningful to us.

Third, we review the day, as though God were sitting beside us, and we talk to God about our day. We look for places where we were aware of God's presence, and places where God seemed far away. We ask to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Fourth, we face up to what is wrong, in our life and in ourselves. Perhaps you have held on to someone's offense against you, and God shows you this, so that you can confess and receive forgiveness. Perhaps you have habits that are not helpful, or you have said something that caused someone pain. These and other things can be examined before God, with God, so that forgiveness and restoration can occur.

Fifth, we look to the next day, and discuss with God, who is still sitting beside us, what needs to be done, what we might encounter, and how God wants to be present to us. We then end with the Our Father or another prayer that has personal meaning.

The way I prefer to do the Examen is by using an app on my phone, called Reimagining the Examen. In this app are a number of different approaches to the Examen that I have found helpful. These include the traditional examen, looking at shifts in one's spirit, identifying inner wounds, daily habits, and who wore God's face today. The app guides one through all the steps, and gives time for reflection. Its a wonderful resource.


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