Loree and a Community of Spiritual Songs


A Community of Spiritual Songs

I grew up in the Presbyterian Church, singing hymns with my family. I remember standing next to my mother, and singing with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, at ten years old. At 16, I became involved in a different kind of church, one that sang lots of psalms and hymns, and what we called spiritual songs - a reference to Ephesians 5:19, where Paul says, "Speaking to yourself in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord."

Over the years I have been exposed to many different kind of church music, traditional and contemporary, Masses by Beethoven and Faure, Catholic worship songs, the music of Taize, the songs of the Iona Community, and many different songs that are shared as "Music that Makes Community" - songs without paper. All are good for worship. All touch a different part of us - and some touch all parts - heart, soul, mind and strength.

This week's SSS reflections will be about music - the music that makes community, meaning all the different ways we can sing praise to God - with hymns that hold great theology, with songs that are simple and allow us to meditate musically, with psalms sung, chanted, and said, with contemporary songs from Christian radio. So many ways to worship - so many ways to learn how we can praise God. I hope you'll tune in every day, as you hear experiences about music and how it touches the heart.


Please join us for a virtual coffee hour from 9:15-10am on Google Meet:


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Amy and Tune My Heart


Amy and Everyday Risks