Lesa and Faith Families


Easter Greetings!

We write you to let you know of an upcoming transition in staff at St. Francis. Lesa Gould, a parishioner at St. Francis who has served as Communications Missioner for Cornerstone Ministries, has discerned that it is time to shift her focus to fiction-writing full-time. Lesa will complete her paid position June 3rd. We celebrate with Lesa that her dream of writing full-time is within reach in a new way, and we are grateful for the three years she has spent sharing her creativity and passion for the Gospel in a paid capacity at St. Francis. We are even more delighted that Lesa, her husband Art, and son Owen, will remain as active parishioners at St. Francis. Hear Lesa share some of her faith journey in the attached video.

As Co-Rectors, we have created a job description that meets the evolving needs of St. Francis Episcopal Parish & Community Center, and have shared that with the Chair of the Personnel Committee and discussed the position with the Executive Committee. We have quietly begun recruitment for that position, and now, with Lesa's announcement, will move into the public phase of recruitment.

Amy and Kristofer


Liberation and the Resurrection with Molly


Abiding in the Presence of the Resurrected One with Kristofer