"What is the Common Cup at an Episcopal Service?" with the Rev. Dr. Amy Slaughter Myers and the Rev. Sara Yoe


St. Francis Spiritual Sustenance : September 28, 2022 ========================================

In the same way, after supper [Jesus] took the cup...(1 Cor 11:25).

During the Sunday October 2, 2022 in-person service, churchgoers will have the option of receiving consecrated wine from the Common Cup. Watch the video to learn more from Amy and Sara about this Episcopal worship practice.

For a brief history of Eucharist in Two Kinds from our siblings in the Anglican Church in Canada, click HERE.


"Prayground Worship: An Interactive Prayer Experience for Our Children" with the Rev. Sara Yoe


"Extend Hospitality To Strangers" with the Rev. Dr. Kristofer Lindh-Payne