Abundant Hospitality with Rev. Dr. Amy Slaughter Myers


St. Francis Spiritual Sustenance: July 13, 2022


Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree (Genesis 18:4)

Imagine that St. Francis Episcopal Parish and Community Center is a place where all are welcomed as Abraham welcomes the three mysterious strangers in Sunday's reading from Genesis. (18: 1-10)

Imagine that every person who sets foot here - whether to worship, or to eat together, to work in the community garden or to deliver the mail, to pick up food or to give out food, to join in a virtual program, to ask about rental assistance or to visit the memorial garden and columbarium and on and on - imagine that every person is welcomed here as Abraham welcomes these strangers.

It's a beautiful vision, isn't it?

I believe it's already happening here at St. Francis.

Imagine you are welcomed here as Abraham welcomes these travelers, these people passing by, these unknown people whose motives and whose history and whose connections to this place are completely unknown.

This kind of extravagant welcome, hospitality, and acceptance of each person as they are, as they present themselves, changes all of us, one encounter at a time. God's Peace be with you. Amen.


Rev Sara Yoe On a Mission


Look, Here is Water! with the Rev. Dr. Kristofer Lindh-Payne