Amy and “Jesus Weeps”


Jesus Weeps

As Jesus came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace (Luke 19: 41-42)

As the crowds and his disciples celebrate Jesus' entrance to the city that the church remembered on Palm Sunday, Jesus is not celebrating.

As the crowds and the disciples sing Hosanna and Blessed is the One who comes in the Name of the Lord, Jesus laments. He weeps.

What does it sound like when you are choked up with emotion? This is how I imagine Jesus in this passage - speaking through a tightness in his throat as he sees the celebration and also knows how quickly the crowd and even his beloved disciples will turn when they see he is not the Messiah they have been expecting.

Sit with Jesus in his lament this Holy Week. As you move through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, preparing to celebrate Easter. Don't rush - take your time with Jesus in his last days.

What are the things that make for peace?

Think of how Jesus lives his life and ministry: healing, embodying justice, reconciling, restoring community, liberating the imprisoned, feeding the hungry, forgiving debts, preaching good news to the poor...none of these things that make for peace are quick-fix solutions.

I pray this Holy Week will prepare you and me with ever more clarity of heart, soul and mind, so that we might be the ones who follow faithfully and keep company with Jesus even to the cross, so that we may die to that which gets in the way of our living out the things that make for peace. Amen.


Maundy Thursday


Kristofer and Walking on the Path of Jesus