Ray Payne

Picture of Ray Payne

Ray Payne
Volunteer Director of Worship Media

About Me:
Life long Episcopalian and member of St. Thomas' before the merge. Worked my way up within the church from Acolyte, to Senior Server, to Chalicist and finally Fellow Verger Guild of the Episcopal Church. Have been involved with Sound, Video and Livestream within the church for about 10 years. Heavily involved with Scouting having held various positions within my home Troop, held various leadership positions including Lodge Adviser for Nentico Lodge, Order of the Arrow and chairman for the National Camp Accredition Program for the Baltimore Area Council. I'm retired from Northrop Grumman having spent my entire involved with Test/Mission Assurance Department. I am married to my wife Yvonne and have three sons, all Eagle Scouts.

My Role:
Worship Media Director, handling the sound in the Nave, projection of the service on the two screens and livestreaming the service and all the equipment associated with these tasks.

My Dream for St. Francis:
To be a growing community while serving the community needs.

A Few of my Favorite Things:
Loving spending time at Broad Creek Scout Reservation, working with my hands and solving problems with the worship/church media.

Fun fact:
My favorite place to visit is Bermuda. My mother was born and raised on the Island, and I still have relatives living there.


Giuliano Gargiulo


William (Will) Zellhofer