William (Will) Zellhofer


Will Zellhofer
Assistant Director of Music Ministries

About Me:
I was born and raised in Baltimore City. When I was 10 years old, I started taking piano lessons with a dear family friend who worked as the music director of a local church, and playing music has been an enormous part of my life ever since. Along those lines, I love musical theatre and a good amount of my free time is spent teaching music to actors and playing in orchestras for theatres around the Baltimore area. Last year, I graduated with honors from Goucher College, where I studied music and history. When I'm not playing music, I greatly enjoy reading and watching documentaries, watching most sports (especially football), and I love animals, especially large dogs.

My Role:
My current responsibilities at St. Francis include planning and selecting music for our Sunday services with the help of our wonderful clergy, rehearsing that music with the St. Francis Worship Musicians, and recording and/or performing that music for Sunday services. I am also available to serve both as an accompanist or advisor for any other events the Church may need music or musicians for, such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, and more.

My Dream for St. Francis:
I believe that as long as St. Francis is a place where each and every person feels welcomed, loved, and accepted, regardless of whether they've been attending services for years or if they've never stepped foot inside of a Church before, we are on the right path. If we as a Church and Community Center are able to consistently help those who need our assistance, whether that be spiritually, emotionally, physically, or otherwise, we are on the right path. There are a lot of things that happen at St. Francis that bring us closer to God each day - things like checking up on a member of the community to see if they need anything, or singing a song together during worship, and it's in experiencing those everyday moments with each other and with God that make me think St. Francis is on the right path.

A Few of My Favorite Things:
Color: Orange
Vacation Spot: I think the most amazing spot I've ever visited while on a trip was Uluwatu Temple in Bali, Indonesia.

Fun Fact:
While I was in college, I taught myself how to play the accordion so that I could play in the orchestra for a production of Fiddler on the Roof. I also started taking tuba lessons while in college, so between those two instruments and the piano, I like to joke that I only play instruments that are bulky and hard to tote around.


Bonnie Johnson-Williams