Kristofer and Maundy Thursday

On this Thursday in Holy Week, that our Christian tradition calls Maundy Thursday, we seek to gather in whatever way we can during this time of pandemic. Maundy from the latin word Mandatum, meaning commandment, invites us to remember the Great Commandment - to love God and love our neighbor. As Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, as part of that Last Supper feast, he commands us to love and serve one another as he loves and serves us. We invite you all to take the attached bulletin, an adapted liturgy for at-home practice, and use it tonight to pray your way into and through this Holy Week. This beautiful service focuses us on the challenges of this pandemic time and includes rituals of hand washing, candle lighting, sacred readings, and a shared meal. While intended to be done in your own home with whoever is there with you, we recognize that many of you live alone and might appreciate company. To that end, Kristofer will be hosting a Google Hangout meeting from his own dinner table. You are welcome to either log-on or call-in by following the information below:

Maundy Thursday (call-in option for at-home liturgy)
Thursday, April 9⋅5:30 – 6:30pm

Join Hangouts Meet

Join by phone
+1 575-468-0923‬ PIN: ‪584 375 538‬#


A Maundy Thursday Meditation


Kristofer and Feeding the Hungry